  • Eye Contact Lenses Color

    Eye Contact Lenses Color

    7.6 1.0 2025-03-18

Best models of Eye Contact Lenses Color for your new style.

Circle lens is a cosmetic contact lens, also generally known as big eye circle contacts, which has a wide black ring on the outside widens your eyes’ iris, creating an adorable appearance that you'll fall in love with.

Many of our customers have reviewed the cosmetic contact lenses they liked the most, which helps you make the best choice! You will find plenty of real life pictures in our product page and fans sharing photo in our official fan page as well.

The thick black rim around the colored circle lenses is what makes the iris of your eye appear larger. In regularly colored contact lens, that band is usually transparent. In other way, circle lens will have an extended black rim around your iris and it makes your eyes appear to be larger at the same time changing your iris color.

Colored contacts, circle lenses, sclera contacts and other costume contact lenses may be advertised like toys. They might seem like a no-fuss way to add something extra to a costume. But contact lenses are medical devices. Wearing contacts without an exam and prescription from a doctor can blind you.

Costume contact lenses – also known as cosmetic or decorative contact lenses – are any type of contact lenses that are meant to change the appearance of your eyes. They include colored contacts, fashion lenses and lenses that can make your eyes look like vampires, animals or other characters.

While lenses with higher water content have been shown to be subjectively more comfortable and can be worn for extended periods of time, they are more prone to dryness. Contact lenses with a low water content dehydrate less on the eye than do lenses with a high water content.

For instance, if you have the disposable kind that are good for one wearing, throw them out after you've worn them once, even if they still feel fresh. When you wear lenses for more days than you should, or when you sleep in lenses that aren't made for overnight wear, you raise your risk of eye infections.

Disposable contact lenses help you to get a new look everyday by changing the color of your eyes. Colored contact lenses can bring a drastic change to your eyes by changing the eye color completely and brightening your eyes. The natural colors in contact lenses that are available are brown, blue and different shades of topaz or violet.

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